Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Interview Wednesdays: Oh My Posh

Hello there again everybody! It's Nicole from Blue Bicicletta here for this week's interview with one of our very own SactoMetro Etsians. As always, remember: if you're a member of the SactoMetro Etsy Street Team but haven't sent in your interview yet, check out this post.

Today we get to hear from Tiffany of the shop Oh My Posh, so settle in and enjoy the creative goodness.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Tiffany and my shop is Oh My Posh. I live in Elk Grove, Ca. I am a very crafty mother of two little princesses.

When you aren’t crafting, what else are you up to?

When I'm not crafting I'm busy taking care of my girls and hanging out with friends. Lately, I have also been working very hard on getting my new website setup.

What first inspired you to become a crafter/artisan?

I have ALWAYS been a crafty person! My mother always was too. As far as making girls hair accessories, I started making them for my daughter when she was younger to match all her outfits.

Describe your creative process. What do you do to get inspired? How
do you make your pieces, when do you work on them, what materials do you use?

When I start working on a new design for a hair clip or bow I usually lay out an assortment of ribbon to go with the current season and experiment with new folding techniques and find some new embellishments. For bow boards, I first think of a theme I want to go with and start from there. If I know the little girl the board is for, I bring her personality into it and it always comes out very special. I am always looking for new materials to work with for both the accessories and the bow boards, but for the most part I use ribbon (of course), fabric, crystals, foam board, clips, headbands, and tulle. I will work on my items whenever the kids give me a chance, and that's usually in the morning and nap time. Hooray for naps!

What handmade possession do you most cherish?

The handmade item that I most cherish would be a ceramic plate that my husband painted for me for Mothers Day when my oldest daughter was a baby. It has her footprint on it, 3 stick figures and a palm tree. He is not a crafty person at all and I think that's why I like it the most---because he actually had the patience to finish it!

Name your top 3 books, movies, musical groups and websites.

I'll be honest, I'm not into books, but I wish I was. When I do watch movies it's usually a comedy or drama. I love chick flicks and crime dramas :) I listen to a lot of different types of music but right now I am really into Taylor Swift and Sean Paul. It's quite a combination! Etsy, Facebook and Youtube are my top 3 websites at the moment.

Burberry Inspired Tartan Plaid - Nova Check Bow with Swarovski Crystal Center Piece

What piece of Etsy advice can you give your fellow team members that has been most helpful to you so far?

Doing a lot of local events helps promote your business. Which I plan on doing a lot more of this year.

How do you promote your Etsy shop/products?

I promote on Facebook and twitter. I also hand out my business cards and I make sure my friends always have a stack to hand out. Whenever I leave the house my girls MUST have one of my hair accessories in their hair! They are my walking advertisement :)

What is your ultimate goal with your Etsy shop(s)/crafting/artwork?

My ultimate goal would be to have a mini celebrity wearing one of my accessories.

Where can we find you online?

Etsy Shop

Thanks so much for inviting us into your creative life Tiffany! And thanks to all of you for reading. Until next time . . . have a wonderful creative week!


bluebicicletta said...

Thanks again Tiffany! I especially love the lavender poppy clip--it's so pretty and unique!

MrsT said...

Such pretty things - I wish you'd been around when my daughter was little!

shopohmyposh said...

Thanks so much for posting my interview this week! I love it!

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