Saturday, November 7, 2009

New Members- Please Welcome Susiea, ClassicsRedone, MrsTalbott and RandomHappenstance

Hello everyone! Please welcome 4 new members:
Shelly of Susiea who makes paper goods
Laura of RandomHappenstance who makes ACEOs
Eileen of MrsTalbott who knits and makes aprons, dolls and more
Jillian of ClassicsRedone who makes accessories

Have a great weekend everyone.


MrsT said...

Hello everyone-

I need a good inexpensive way to display my aprons. I'd like to use a dress form or a mannequin, but they're pretty pricey. Does anyone have any suggestions where I could find a dress form at a reasonable price? Doesn't need to be in super good condition, I can re-cover it with muslin.


Four Jordans said...

I've seen them at Goodwill from time to time. There are also a couple stores in town that sell used store displays. They usually have mannequins that you could recover or paint.

MrsT said...

Used store displays? Hmmm.. any particular place you'd recommend?

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